- 已完成预约数:1; 无故缺席:2
- 0满意度 | 0 意见反馈
- 所在地: United States; 邮编: 77001
- 电子信箱: 点击发送
- 背景及经验:
I am working in the US. I have lived in Canada and USA for combined more than 10 years. I have Ph.D in Engineering. My English is fluent and often time surprises native speakers because they do not believe I came from China. I can help you with language skills, information about the society and culture as well as legal information about immigration to US and Canada.
我现在在美国大型化工公司工作,在美加两国共生活10多年,英语流利,与本地人口音一致. 我可以提供以下服务
1. 英语口语交流,写作,美加生活环境,社会,人文知识
2. 美加移民亲身经历以及咨询
- 服务预约时间: (时区:US/Central) 周五, 周六, 20:00 ~ 21:00 (时区换算)