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所在地: Singapore;  邮编: 805775
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I am a Singapore-born Chinese. My parents moved from China to Singapore before 1949. I hold a Bachelor Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from National University of Singapore, a MBA from University of Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom), and a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. Currently I am working on research and thesis in cross cultural management to get my Doctorate in Business Administration from University of South Australia.我是土生土长的新加坡人,可是我父母都是在新中国成立前到新加坡的。我拥有新加坡国立大学电子与电机工程学士学位,英国纽卡素大学工商管理硕士学位,以及新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院教育文凭。 目前我是澳大利亚南澳大学工商管理博士生,我的考研课题是跨文化管理学。
I have more than 20 years of international business and management experience, working with numerous Multnational corporations (MNC). I spent 3 years in Germany, 1 year in Britain, 3 years in Hong Kong and 4 years in China. Indeed I have very colourful and I hope I can share these experience. 我有超过二十年的国际商贸经验,也在几家顶尖的跨国公司担任要职。同时我还在西德工作了三年,在英国一年,在香港和中国分别工作了三年和四年。我的人生可说是多姿多彩,我希望能与人分享这些经历。
Through spontaneous conversation and dialogue, I hope to provide ways to Chinese students to improve their command in English. Singapore has one of the best education systems in Asia. I want to provide information to parents who are interested in sending their children to Singapore to study. For those who already prepare or decide to sent their children to Singapore, I can organise and make comprehensive plan to take care of the child. 通过有趣的对话和其他活动,我希望能协助国内的学生提高他们的英文英语水准。新加坡有很优质的教育制度,我希望提供有关的资讯给有兴趣让孩子到新加坡读书的父母了解。对于那些已经决定把孩子送到新加坡的父母,我可以通过全方位的规划协助他们。