- 已完成预约数:1; 无故缺席:0
- 0满意度 | 0 意见反馈
- 所在地: China; 邮编: 150080
- 电子信箱: 点击发送
- 背景及经验:
毕业于师范大学中文系,现为在读研究生,有丰富的中文知识和教学背景。英语六级,普通话一级。认真负责,既是对学生,也是对自己,希望成为优秀的教师 I have guaduated from a normal university,my major is chinese language and literature.Now I am a postguaduate student.So there is no doubt that as a chinese teacher I can provide excellent quality lessons.
Please trust me,and I will do my best.