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所在地: China
电子信箱: 点击发送
My skype ID : rakugaku.online
My QQ:1257353830
QQ group:106231413
My E-mail: 1257353830@qq.com

● English
Hello everyone! We hold our regular group voice chat session via Skype. Our chat contents include language exchange where people can learn languages of their interest with each other. Of course, Those who are interested in this session, please add the Skype ID.

● Japanese
毎晩21:00より スカイプ(skype)会話サロンをやっています。語学に興味ある方は、どうぞ、お気軽にメッセージを下さい。

● Korean
여러분,안녕하세요. 매일 밤 10시 (중국시간 밤 9시)부터 스카이프에서 그룹 음성채팅을 하고 있습니다. 채팅내용은 언어교환, 관심이 있는 언어를 서로 공부하는 것입니다. 관심있으신 분은 제 스카이프 아이디를 추가해주세요. 추가 의도를 전해주시면 더욱더 좋구요.

● Chinese

● Portuguese
Olá a todos! Mantemos a nossa voz do grupo regular sessão de conversa atraves do Skype. Nosso chat conteúdo inclui a troca da língua, onde as pessoas podem aprender idiomas de seu interesse com os outros. Naturalmente, aqueles que estão interessados nesta sessão, por favor adicione o ID do Skype.

● Italian
Ciao a tutti , la nostra chat con skype vi permette di praticare e studiare le lingue che piu vi piacciono . Se siete interessati potete aggiungere il vostro numero Skype

● Thai
สวัสดีทุกๆคน! พวกเราได้มีการตัดตั้งกลุ่มพูดคุยโดยผ่าน Skype. การพูดคุยนี้ก็รวมถึงการสนทนาแลกเปลี่ยนและเรียนรู้ทางภาษาต่างๆตามความชอบของแต่ละคน สำหรับคนที่สนใจก็สามารถ แอดเข้ามาที่ skype id

● Spanish
Hola a todos! En nuestra regular chat charla por Skype posibilitamos un intercambio en aquellos idiomas que os gusten y esteis aprendiendo. As¡ que si teneis interés añadiros en nuestro ID de Skype.

● Greman
Hallo Leute! Unsere regulären Gruppengespräche (voice Chat) halten wir in Skype. Unsere Gesprächsthemen beinhaltet den Austausch von Sprachen in denen jeder die Sprache seiner Wahl mit anderen zusammen lernen kann. Jeder der daran interessiert ist sollte diese Skype Adresse hinzufügen.