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所在地: China
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i am an English teacher,i want to improve my hearing and spoken,i am eager to make friends with foreign people,i can teacher you Chinese,i hope you can teacher me English,my son and my husband also want to study English,my son is 15years old,they also hope then can study with sb exchange, i hope i can know many foreign friends.我是一名英语教师,但由于缺乏语言环境,听和说的能力下降,所以特别想找一位外籍友人和我练习口语和听力,我可以帮你学中文,我的孩子和爱人也想找一位外籍教师教他们学习英语,我的孩子该上高中了,希望尽快找到教师。我们的学习时间定在晚上7:00以后,您什么时候方便?