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所在地: China;  邮编: 529000
电子信箱: 点击发送
Do u want to learn Chinese? Or u just feel lonely? Nobody listen to u? U are just unhappy now? Come to me, talk with me, tell me about your story. When u talk to me, u can vent your emotion out by yelling, curses or any other way u like. If u have any demand, note it when u make appointment, i will make a plan to solve your problem before talking. Time is up to u.
服务预约时间: (时区:北京时间) 周一, 周二, 周三, 周四, 周五, 周六,  19:00 ~ 21:00 (时区换算)
talk in Cantonesetalking in Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese and Engliash. u can say anything to me. Like your job, love and also can yelling at me$10.00/60分钟
推荐费: 5%