

1. Have a clear Vision 有一个清晰的目标 确定自己到底要什么,继而为之努力 Having a crystal clear vision of what you want to achieve which is communicated clearly to all involved will ensure the commitment and motivation are present to achieve the goal.

2. Have a Workflow System 有一个工作流程 良好的工作流程能让你抓住核心工作,提高工作效率。 A workflow system will allow you to work effectively and creatively by freeing up time to do the work the matters. Understanding the most effective flow of work will ensure that work is not duplicated or distractions don’t interfere with the work that matters.

3. Take Responsibility 承担责任 你的生活你作主。 Take responsibility for all of your actions and behaviours. Eliminate any victim behavior, Remember that you are the master of your fate.

4. Work Your Body 锻炼身体 身体是一切之根本 All of the worlds high achievers work out regularly, Obama, Bush, Branson, all know the benefits of regular exercise for stamina, for performance and for productivity. It is one of the best habits you can adopt to become more productive. The extra energy that you gain from working out along with the de-stressing effect will enhance your productivity and performance more than any other habit.

5 Relax Your Body 学会放松 足够的睡眠、冥想和瑜伽都可以有效放松和降压身体。 Along with exercise the body needs rest, relaxation and plenty of sleep to perform at its best. Meditation and Yoga can also help to relax and de-stress the body.

6. Value your Time 珍惜时间 时间如此宝贵,要做他人无法替代你做的事情。 Delegate, outsource and share your work. Your time is too precious to waste so only use it to do the work that no one else can do for you.

7. Become a good Listener 学会聆听 好的倾听能使工作更高效,它可以减少重复和不必要的工作。 If you lead other people it is essential to listen well but you will also find that if you listen well it can make you more productive by eliminating duplication of work or misunderstandings that can lead to unessential work being completed.

8. Be the best you can be 做最好的自己 机会总是留给有准备的人。 Always do your best and you will have no regrets. Success doesn’t come to those who sit and wait, it is necessary to work towards your vision. Engage with your vision, keep taking action.

9. Make time for Thinking 抽时间思考 日省三身,方能成长。 In order to excel at what you do, You must make time for thinking. Creative thinking and strategic thinking. This is one of the biggest mistakes people in business make. They are too busy with day to day tasks that they forget to plan, to innovate, to dream. And without these factors there will never be growth or involvement, simply stagnation.


文摘时间: 2013-03-11 05:37:10   编辑: Editor


